1)    When in Outlook Web Access (OWA), click on the Calendar in the bottom left corner of the page:
2)    To book a Room, click on “New Event”:
3)    Title your event, invite any attendees requires, select your date and time range, add the room that you want (see #4 for choosing a room), then any description or notes for the event:
4)    When you click on “Search for a room or location”, a list of your commonly used rooms will populate. If you do not see the room you want, click on “+ Browse with Room Finder”:
5)    If you clicked on “+ Browse with Room Finder”, you will get a list of rooms on the right side of the screen. The rooms will show if they are available, based on the date and time you previously scheduled:
6)    Once you’ve picked the room, click on Send to create the event and book the room:
Keep in mind that these events will show as your default calendar cover.