This article will tell you how to orient/align your Smart Board.

When to Orient?

You should orient your Smart Board when your digital ink doesn't align with where you're using your pen. You should also orient your smart board if your projector is misaligned.

1) Make sure your projector is aimed at your smartboard and all four corners fill up the screen. If it is not aligned gently move your projector to try to align it.

2) Calibrate your touch, to do so, right click the smart system tray icon (in red in the image).

In the menu click "Orient"

A series of targets will appear on your Smart Board, press those targets using any Smart Board Pen.

After orientation if your touch still does not align properly ensure all four corners of your smartboard are not obstructed by anything.

NOTE: Wide screen Smart Boards have an orient button on the pen tray near the power button.

NOTE: Square Smart Boards can access the orientation by pressing the right-click and keyboard button on the pen tray at the same time.